
“My first experience with yogaflight was at my home. We had relaxed with great food and great conversation and we were preparing to take off in the morning to go snow skiing. I must confess I do not consider myself a very proficient skier, it is difficult to balance on two small sticks sliding down a hill full speed ahead... Then Slade and Sky mentioned the benefits of balance and trust that yogaflight can help to build. Well, I thought, I should give it a try and see what yogaflight could do for me. IT WAS AWESOME, before I knew it I was hanging upside down, contorting my body in ways that I would never have thought possible, AND I was having FUN! What a confidence builder for me. I was stretching and balancing and genuinely enjoying myself. I really look forward to my next yogaflight!”

~ Kara Latimer, Rio Vista Construction, San Antonio, Texas, USA

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“It was so great to meet you and "take flight" in Jackson Center! It was an awesome experience! Even one flight generates a 'body-memory' of how relaxed, connected and open "flying" made me feel, so just thinking about the experience brings those feelings back. I'm already telling people about it in BC so we'd love to see you come this way!”

~ Laura Sigler, Sunshine Coast Campgrounds, Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada

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“yogaFLIGHT is the best thing ever. If you combine yoga + meditation + the sensation of flying when you close your eyes, that equals yogaFLIGHT. It is the most peaceful experience you will ever have. Both Cassie and I experienced it, we can't wait to do more, and we both recommend yogaFLIGHT to everyone. Thanks Sky and Slade!”

~ Joshua Peschel, PhD Student at CRASAR, Houston, Texas, USA

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“What an incredible way to be introduced to both flight and yoga! I so appreciated your time, sensitivity and generosity in giving me a yogaFLIGHT. Thank you both very much.”

~ Hilary Swanson, Private Healthcare Nurse, Calgary, Alberta, Canada